stop tomorrow from stealing all my time.
and here i am still waiting though i still
have my doubts.

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    Thursday, August 2 and relationships :P

    I hate people who are in a hurry at work. They border on the point of rudeness. People should just get the fact that we have certain things we HAVE to say (stupid though that may be) and be patient about it.

    It's just one of those little annoyances about life I guess.

    Just like it must be nice living at your boyfriends house - WITH his parents and sibling, IN the spare bedroom - and have his sister cook dinner and breakfast for you.

    I mean, seriously???

    AND working together as well! (To sound like a character out of Grey's) Seriously!

    It's just a LITTLE much. I spend a lot of time with Isaac, I see him every day - not the least because there's only one car between us and so he takes me to work every morning and picks me up at night. But he does not live out of a suitcase in the spare room in the flat. (We don't have a spare room but this is besides the point.) Nor do I sit on his knee at breaktimes AT WORK. How incredibly unprofessional is that?? Not to mention kind of gross for the rest of us who have to work here...

    It just seems a little obsessive is all. Whenever I see them they don't seem to be talking or doing any thing. They just hold hands. Not that I have anything against hand holding - it's a very nice thing at the best of times. It's just...excessive. And every time I see them things seem to be awkward like I don't really know what to say.

    Argh. I don't know. It's just...weird.

    In any case, work is entertaining. We recieved an email from a very angry/abusing American customer today. Obviously not a very bright one as she probably should have realised that the on the end of our email address means that we actually have nothing to do with Officemax in the US at all. Stupid, stupid woman.

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    Regnum: (lat.)1. kingly government, royal authority, kingship, royalty 2. In gen., dominion, sovereignty, rule, authority. // Advenio: vēnī, ventus, īre, to come to, reach, arrive at

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