stop tomorrow from stealing all my time.
and here i am still waiting though i still
have my doubts.

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    Saturday, November 3


    The product of TWO hours of baking. Don't look at the large cupcakes in the left corner, they are not well iced as I was running out of icing!

    Mmmm...banana walnut cupcakes with chocolate rum icing. I would say yummy but I haven't actually tried one yet! I have 32 big ones and 12 mini ones.

    Mini-cakes with hundreds and thousands!!! Yay! All this baking is in lieu of Melsy's hen's night tonight. Should be FUN times. We even have semi-dodgy presents for her. Funny what you find out in the big wide world!!!!

    Anyway, they'd better taste good otherwise a vast quantity of my time this afternoon will have been wasted!!!!

    I have this MASSIVE bruise on the back of my leg. It is HUGE and I don't know how or when I got it - but it's just starting to turn yellowish. I seem to be injuring myself in my sleep as this is the third such bruise I have discovered mysteriously appearing on my person in the past week or two. AHHH!!!

    1 comment:

    Mandia said...

    the cupcakes look GOOOOOOD.

    Regnum: (lat.)1. kingly government, royal authority, kingship, royalty 2. In gen., dominion, sovereignty, rule, authority. // Advenio: vēnī, ventus, īre, to come to, reach, arrive at

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