stop tomorrow from stealing all my time.
and here i am still waiting though i still
have my doubts.

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    Saturday, November 17

    car troubles

    I'm such a dick...A dick who obviously can't drive properly!!! I was having a really good day, out of the house by 10am...

    Although that wasn't me being productive. Stupid landlord didn't tell us he was bringing someone round to look at the place at 10am till yesterday afternoon. Dumbass. And there's another group coming round in the afternoon which means I have to vacate YET AGAIN as I am the only one home.

    But I digress. I even made it thorough ALL the tasks I had appointed myself...go get car registration renewed, buy veges from Raeward, do the flat shopping etc. And then, just as I'm backing out of the carpark - damn you Hornby Mall and your poor carpark design! - in a HURRY I might add, as there is someone waiting for my park and someone else coming the other way...I back into someone else.


    I was really, REALLY hoping to get through this year with no more car trouble. I hate car trouble. Plus, we've had a real spate of car trouble recently. What with Isaac needing a new alternator and then his stereo died, Jem's alarm dying and refusing to let him in the car and then he rear-ended someone AND the radiator died...

    But this is also a digression. Now I have to pay AMI a visit and I hate visiting them. They're always so rude!! The call centre people are nice and friendly and I don't mind dealing with them - but their customer service people in store are pains...that and my excess is $500 and I'm POSITIVE it will cost less than that to fix as the damage (to my car at least) isn't THAT bad.

    Argh. I hate car troubles. And this time I have NO ONE to blame except myself.

    1 comment:

    Mandia said...

    goodness.. that REALLY sux. Anyhow, i think i didn't spot a traffic police hiding atop a overhead bridge in time. Might just be receiving an overly priced polaroid along with a speeding ticket real soon. Not gonna help if the picture shows me holding my plate of fried rice WHILE speeding.. in a van. Crap. that'll take more than 7 demerit points off and i'd have to retake the test for my license.

    Regnum: (lat.)1. kingly government, royal authority, kingship, royalty 2. In gen., dominion, sovereignty, rule, authority. // Advenio: vēnī, ventus, īre, to come to, reach, arrive at

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