stop tomorrow from stealing all my time.
and here i am still waiting though i still
have my doubts.

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    Wednesday, December 31

    Belated Christmas...but here's to 2009!

    So...I am finally on "official" holidays! Whoop! I did have four days off over Christmas - just long enough to get out of "work" mode only to go back to work again! But it's not been all bad. The latest I've finished all week is 2.30 and today I got back from lunch at 1.30 and left at 2! So I'm loving it!

    Christmas was good - had brunch with Mum & Dad (blueberry pancakes and fresh fruit!) and then bummed around home setting up/playing with presents and such and then drove down to Ohau to meet up with Isaac's family. We arrived just as they were pulling Christmas crackers - awkward!! Lol. Stayed there for a couple of days - just long enough to get a wicked sunburn! All thanks to our 10km bike ride!

    Surprisingly I have taken NO photos this time around - I didn't bring my camera and I think I needed a break! But it was very fun, and we had awesome weather on our last day there which was nice - hence the BURN.

    By the way...HAPPY NEW YEAR people! We are (shortly!) heading over to the old flat for a bbq of the good old fashioned kind. And then are planning to ring in the new year with a few people and drinks and nibbles over there.

    Speaking of bbqs - Isaac got his fancy new hooded barbeque today. It's still in it's box but I'm positive we shall get much use out of it. (Thanks Deloitte tax team!) Since he's been off work he's been very diligently trying to get the house sorted - which is good of him! We've made a number of other significant purchases in the last week including a massive bookcase (which I love) and a chilly bin. (Which I do not love quite as much as the bookcase but is useful nonetheless).

    Off to Queenstown on the 2nd - gonna spend a couple days there and then back to Ohau to hang for three or four days. Then it's back home and hopefully the house will FINALLY be completely sorted. Good times :)

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    Regnum: (lat.)1. kingly government, royal authority, kingship, royalty 2. In gen., dominion, sovereignty, rule, authority. // Advenio: vēnī, ventus, īre, to come to, reach, arrive at

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