stop tomorrow from stealing all my time.
and here i am still waiting though i still
have my doubts.

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    Monday, June 4

    Queen's Birthday

    I enjoy the fact that the Queen has a birthday in June. It just means a holiday for us - which I appreciate. Basically, I'm being paid to be at work now. YES!

    I bet you it's not actually the Queen's birthday - just some obligatory term for us needing a holiday in June. But I'm not going to complain.

    It has been the weekend for birthdays though. On Friday Mel and I headed to the Dux for a couple of drinks in celebration of Soraya's birthday - even though it wasn't till Saturday. But it was fun times! There were quite a few of us and Raya was getting quite happy on wine so it was pretty entertaining.

    I'd also invited myself over to Mel's for tea earlier - but that's a whole nother story! Lol. I'm so rude sometimes...

    When we got there she was considering making self saucing pudding!! Luckily we talked her out of it!!!! Crazy woman! But I love her, she's awesome!

    AND...yesterday was Wolf's birthday. His parents had RUDELY (j/k it was a completely legitimate reason...) gone to Rotorua so we shouted him lunch after church. Complete with birthday cake!! (Yes, we are "o" for orsome...) And candles!! And after 545 Lou and Mel were going to shout him tea but (for some reason) we all ended up back at the flat with four pizzas and wedges. (Mmm...home made wedges...) And also a tub of "deep blue sea" ice cream - an intriguing "tropical flavored ice cream with lemon sorbet and fish shaped jellies". And yes, more cake because we didn't finish it all at lunchtime.

    Fun times...we are such children sometimes. We all sat there in the dark giggling because we were pretending to hide while Wolf was in the loo...


    I'm so glad I don't have to go to work today. It's *FREAKING* freezing. My hands are cold because they are outside of my blanket. And firefox tells me that it's -2 degrees at the moment.


    I don't know what I'm doing today - I think the two student flatmates are studying and the other flatmate will probably go to her family's. Isaac is also studying. Students are boring when you're not one of them... We've officially been in the flat a year today though!!! Crazy isn't it??? Who would have thought we'd last this long!!! :)

    And when the smoke clears...


    1 comment:

    Anonymous said...

    Judging by the placement of that hand, I'd be picking that your boyfriend has strong homosexual tendancys which fit in well with the no sex before marriage thing.

    Regnum: (lat.)1. kingly government, royal authority, kingship, royalty 2. In gen., dominion, sovereignty, rule, authority. // Advenio: vēnī, ventus, īre, to come to, reach, arrive at

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