stop tomorrow from stealing all my time.
and here i am still waiting though i still
have my doubts.

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    Saturday, January 6

    Sales? And orana park

    Us biking along Lake Ohau

    I've been having no end of problems with blogger. Oh well... I'm really tempted to go spend up large (money I DON'T have) at the New Year Sales. Unfortunately I head to Australia in like a week. Argh. Must. Resist. Temptation. !!!!

    I'm being plagued with superficial worries like: "What happens if I get to Oz and all the sales have ended???"

    Yeah, I'm so deep.

    Anyway...New Years!!! Yay. It was a little different for me this year as we went to Wanaka, with a stopover at Ohau. Fun times, fun times. It was nice, lots of sun (it rained the whole time in Christchurch) and I even got very sunburnt. Took LOTS of photos though. Maybe a little too many...

    Back at work for the last three days and it's been pretty boring. I've finished a book and have managed to get quite a bit of knitting done. Meanwhile, I stare enviously at the sun outside. I can't wait till March and part time work!!!

    Orana Park!!

    The friday of New Years weekend we went to Orana Park - which is basically like this wildlife reserve, right here in Christchurch!! I'd never been there before and Isaac was - mildly - surprised that I hadn't. Since I was still off work we decided to make an afternoon of it.

    It's VERY cool there. They try and keep all the cages etc to a minimum so you really feel like you're getting (somewhat) up close and personal to the animals. The only animals that are kept somewhat at a distance (for good reason) - are the big cats.

    See? Imagine what those puppies could do to you! Lucky for us the lionesses seemed pretty sleepy. (Must be the heat!) It does send shivers up your spine when you think that the only thing between you and those teeth is a fence. Creepy!!

    Apart from the bad ass big cats - the tiger was sleepy and right in the middle of it's HUGE enclosure, so no pictures sorry! - there were tonnes of cute and cuddly (looking) animals.

    Like the lemurs. They were SO CUTE! And they made me think of Madagascar.

    I just wanted to take them home. Unfortunately, I believe this is not allowed by park staff.


    That and I'm not too sure exactly what it is that lemurs eat.... anyway, there were lots of them and even little baby ones and they were just so gorgeous!!!!

    The really great thing about Orana Park is that they have quite a few animals that are either endangered or threatened. Like the tigers and the African Wild dogs. The tiger exhibit is new and very, very cool. There's a viewing room with a HUGE-ASS glass panel and it basically puts you IN the exhibit. Unfortunately for us there was no big cat pacing around on the outside. Lazy thing! And it's got a pool on the other side complete with underwater fence. Again, the tiger was asleep so we didn't get to see him up close and personal swimming in the pool. But still, VERY COOL.

    The otters were also very cool. And very cute. They were swimming when we got there but then they got out and decided to gambol along the grass. Excellent show! It's like they knew we were watching them :) Teehee.

    Basically, I went to the park and came back with an intense desire to adopt all creatures - excepting the deer as they are kind of boring. *sigh* Oh well, can't have everything. I'm sure it's very nice to watch them eat grass all day but I must say I wasn't amused. Plus, they are not interesting to look at.

    Unlike the giraffes, who are tall, gangly looking, extremely close because they are being fed and HAVE BABIES. Baby giraffes are the cutest little things ever!! Seriously. Haha. They're like half the size of big mummy and daddy giraffes. Basically they are mini-giraffes and as we all know, miniature things (such as graters, whisks and spoons) are all very cute and super-exciting. (well, maybe just to me....)

    See?? Meerkats are small and miniature and they also stand peering towards the sky looking for predators. HOW IS THAT NOT CUTE?????? Lol. If I had a meerkat, I would, completely unoriginally, call it Timon. Because the Lion King is possibly the awesomess movie EVER. And Simba was so hot. Reorw...

    Though that's pretty hot too!! Lol. He's a geek, but I love him :) Haha. I told him to pose with the ostrich. Unfortunately you can't actually see the ostrich in the photo!!! Muwahaha. What a poser.

    And that's just a small sample of the photos! Haha. Well, I should probably get off my lazy ass and get something to eat. It's lunch time!!! New Year's photos to follow...

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