stop tomorrow from stealing all my time.
and here i am still waiting though i still
have my doubts.

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    Saturday, August 30


    I totally wrote this awesome blog entry about how Baghdad Baby was awesome - and left it on my computer at work.

    So all you fantabulous punters will have to make do with a not-so-awesome entry about how I have the house all to myself for another hour. Because then Jen comes to stay!

    The boys are off partying it up in Wellington. So yes. "Allllll by myself!!!" I don't really mind. So far today I have done tae bo and cooked breakfast. Yes, these two things seem at odds with each other. But I remain confident that the amount I consumed is less than what I've burnt.

    I'm considering lowering my carb intake. I was slightly concerned last night when I tried my wedding dress on again. I haven't really been watching what I eat because I haven't needed to. But I can't think of anything worse happening than suddenly not being able to fit into this very expensive dress! So yes, watching what I eat! I will stop bringing baked goods into work and instead opt for fruit and vegetables.


    I don't really mind too much. I think it's more a matter of being careful than being TOO hard core. So yes, diet galore! Only I'm not calling it a diet. I shall think of some other much more exciting name to give it!

    Shame I am not muslim. I could be fasting for Ramadan next week. That would probably help! But it is also a fairly shallow reason to turn muslim. And also, not really into the muslim thing so much. So yeah.

    We've had sunshine for the past two days - it gives me great hope that Spring is FINALLY on it's way! I'm so sick of rain and snow. Perhaps the ground will finally get a chance to thaw out. Perhaps I will finally get a chance to thaw out! I hate being cold!!

    So yes, I find that I have little to do on the internet these days. I start most days with the intent of doing things. Like update the wedding gift register etc. But work has been hidiously busy. Like, I have not known busyness up until now. Oh the stress. I have gone from putting one daily paper out to putting out one daily, two weekly (one with three different editions) and one twice weekly paper out. And of course ALL the deadlines clash for these!


    Thus work tends to be a madhouse for hours at a time and then I suddenly have nothing to do because it's lunchtime. And then I come back from lunch and it's a madhouse again. FUNNN.

    I shall abruptly end here. :)

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    Regnum: (lat.)1. kingly government, royal authority, kingship, royalty 2. In gen., dominion, sovereignty, rule, authority. // Advenio: vēnī, ventus, īre, to come to, reach, arrive at

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