stop tomorrow from stealing all my time.
and here i am still waiting though i still
have my doubts.

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    Thursday, June 21

    Food glorious food

    Us having tea at Willowbank

    The rellies have gone. Well, actually, one relative and one friend of relative. But that's the long run we are all one big happy family.

    Anyway, in the two weeks (or so) they have been here I have taken a crapload of photos.

    Mussels = entree = YUMMY!!!

    We went to Willowbank as a sort of "farewell tea" last night. I'd never been there before. As part of the meal you get to go on a night tour of parts of the park and take a look at some of the native (and not so native) wildlife.

    Mmm...dessert :)

    The lovely ladies paid for us all - which (as I've had a look at prices for the meal/tour on the website) was VERY nice considering the price!!!

    The food was REALLY good. Plus, there were deer right outside the window where we were sitting.

    See? Cute little deer!

    Crapness of the pictures is due to the fact that they wouldn't stay still and that there was reflection off the glass. Silly deer!!! They are also really greedy! When the got fed they kept shoving each other out of the way in order to get closer to the food!!!

    Kai moana... :) Yummy!

    We had a seafood platter as a starter and being the seafood loving yet deprived person that I am...I really enjoyed it. There were also oysters there...I don't like oysters. But I managed to convince Isaac to eat at least half of one. (Hence picture in previous post)

    Dessert! Pav and chocolate cake. Yummy!

    There was also a REALLY nice fruit salad there. Normally I don't even like fruit salads, but this was GOOD.

    Yes, I know I only have pictures of the entrees and dessert. This is not at ALL intentional. The mains were REALLY good as well. It was roast beef and lamb and hangi-cooked pork. YUMMY!!!!


    Romantic! Even with parents and extended family! Haha. Actually, I really liked the candle holders. They were carved into stone and had a koru on the outside in green. Very cool!

    Taking you videoing me.

    The tour was also very cool. All native wildlife. Unfortunately, because it was dark most of the photos didn't turn out very well. But I have the memories. (cue sympathetic sigh!)

    Kea...the parrots that try to destroy your cars :)


    That's a baby one, the grown up one was hiding from the cold. It did get up and walk around a little before that though and it was HUGE. But the little baby was so cute!!!

    Two swans and their baby :)

    I tried taking photos/video of the kiwi - I mean, what kind of person wouldn't??? But because you can't use flash photography AT ALL with them all the photos turned out somewhat dark and fuzzy. Lol. I don't think you can actually see the kiwi in there.

    Still it was pretty cool to walk amongst them - so to speak!

    Fun times!

    I hear they made it home safely. 40kg of luggage (each!) included - which is a relief!! (Haha!)

    1 comment:

    Mandia said...

    correction- 51kg for amandia and 31kg for Joanne. haha. we exceeded the 80kg. i think 1/3 of the food has been eaten up alr though. at least on my side.

    Regnum: (lat.)1. kingly government, royal authority, kingship, royalty 2. In gen., dominion, sovereignty, rule, authority. // Advenio: vēnī, ventus, īre, to come to, reach, arrive at

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