stop tomorrow from stealing all my time.
and here i am still waiting though i still
have my doubts.

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    Monday, April 9

    I love holidays :)

    ESPECIALLY when holidays are up in the mountains with a view like this!!! Pretty right? It's the sun setting over the mountain. First afternoon there we decided that a little walk would be timely so that we could familarise ourselves with the countryside...

    Mmm...look at the view...
    Heh heh...what a poser :)

    Jennifer tries to find huhu grubs

    We had no luck with the grubs - thankfully! - but I did manage to get a stunning shot of the broken tree:

    See? Pretty cool, huh?
    In fact, I got many, many pretty pictures :)

    We were really on the hunt for an elusive river. I don't know how it started. But we heard it and then we decided we had to find it...

    We did find it in the end but it was more of an alpine stream than a raging river...

    "Four teenagers wandered upstream on easter friday in the Alpine village of Mt Lyford. They forgot to calculate for nightfall and found themselves wandering onwards into the dark...lost FOREVER."

    Which is how our story COULD have played out. Thankfully we are sensible and headed home not long after the upstream trek!

    We did have some gorgeous views out there though! It was awesome getting away from civilization for a couple of days. We walked and picnicked and slept in and read books and/or trashy magazines. Great fun!!!
    And it's not half bad being greeted with a view like this at 9.30 in the morning either!!

    We also found a playground...

    Hehehe...even the dog managed the slide :)


    Our *ahem*healthy*ahem* picnic. (That's Cointreau chocolate right there!)

    'Nuff said :) - excepting that my hair looks red - which it's not!

    After much walking we discovered ourselves on "One Ball Track" (haha!)

    So, am now home and tired. (Surprisingly!) And I should really get my "a into g" and unpack or do something. But instead am eating tinned spag and typing out cheesecake recipies from old editions of Next Magazine and waiting for the boy to come by.

    Hmmm...a nap would also be nice!

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    Regnum: (lat.)1. kingly government, royal authority, kingship, royalty 2. In gen., dominion, sovereignty, rule, authority. // Advenio: vēnī, ventus, īre, to come to, reach, arrive at

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