My word we are nerdy! Haha...this is us, having eaten and drunk, (not drunk but having been drinking...if that makes sense!) trying to download a clip of a little girl singing on Britan's Got Talent.
Fun times...we gathered, ate lots (naturally!), drank lots and played boggle.And gave Benni loving! Lots of loving! (But not in THAT way...) Poor Benni, he's so neglected at home with just Isaac - who's never there. So we gave him LOTS of attention on Friday.
Even Mel gave him love! And she doesn't even like animals. But Benni is so cute that no one can resist his puppy eyes...
And we had gorgeous weather. Simply gorgeous. I can't wait for summer :)
I even fell asleep in the sun at Isaac's on Sunday. Man, it was good!
Anyway, there is too much facebooking in my life at the moment. Jem, Isaac and I have discovered the boggle application and we spend a LOT of time playing boggle with strangers online. I even got Mum onto it! And Isaac has even signed up to facebook - under a assumed name - so he can play.
We are nerds. Nerdy, nerdy, nerds.
And then it's back to work.
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